Google Requests Reexamination of Two Remaining Oracle America Patents
| March 2, 2011
Oracle America sued Google in August for distributing Android®, thereby infringing seven patents related to cover “a bundle of related programs, specifications, reference implementations, and developer tools and resources that allow a user to deploy applications written in Java programming language on servers, desktops, mobile devices, and other devices.” Google shot back last month by requesting that the U.S. PTO undertake reexamination of five of those patents (here, here).
Yesterday afternoon Google requested reexamination of the two remaining Oracle America patents-in-suit – U.S. Patent Nos. 6,192,476 and 7,426,720. Having now sought reexamination of all seven Oracle patents, Google is quite likely to ask the trial judge to stay the infringement suit, pending completion of the reexaminations. Google, however, may defer filing such a motion until the PTO has granted the reexamination requests, probably sometime in May.